Frequently asked questions

How do I take Vitalium?

Essential to split dosages throughout the day to maintain amino acid levels within the body.
Morning, Mid day, at Bed time.

6 to 8 capsules daily (minimum)
Take with water with / without food

Sports dosages:
To Maintain increased energy, functionality & repair
3 – 4 capsule prior workout, 3 – 4 capsules post workout, 1 capsule at bedtime
6 to 8 caps daily (minimum)

What is Vitalium?

Embracing a Preventative & Pro-active Approach in Healthcare
Cellular health benefits beyond basic nutrition.

Ensuring the body has what it needs to function optimally on a cellular level

A Complete Foundational Broad-Spectrum Nutraceutical
100% Natural
20 EAA & BCAA Profile
Advanced & Unique Plasma Tri-peptide Protein
98% Bio-Availability

Feel and function like you should

How does Vitalium work?

VITALIUM comprises pre-digested peptides which fulfill all of the requirements of the body in both form and function
Nearly all neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes and bodily processes are comprised almost entirely of peptides.
Being absorbed by the very efficient PEPT1 transport system, which functions no matter what the condition of the digestive system,
The nutrients are absorbed through the epithelial cells in the intestine, directly in to the bloodstream and put to work immediately within the body.

Why does Vitalium work?

VITALIUM is pre-digested, meaning that it is already in a structure that our body can use, requiring no real overhead to be absorbed and used within the body.
All other forms of protein available need to be digested, a process which takes between 6.5 and 8 hours to complete, which is very energy-intensive,
draining vital energy and nutrients simply for the purpose of getting more nutrients into our bodies.

Can anyone take Vitalium?

Not recommended for pregnant women and children under the age of 6.

Do not take if diagnosed with Haemochromatosis.

Due to the natural iron content, Vitalium should be taken one hour after and before thyroid medication.

If you have a known medical condition, consult your doctor before using this or any other health supplement.

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